Sunday 6 November 2011

Contributions to the Production Process

Overall for the Childrens Film Project I have contributed as much as my media knowlege will go. I have:
  • Offered idea's for filming and idea's for story line.
  • Helped in the editing and idea's for editing of the final film.
  • Helped choose location area's and idea's that we could film on the spot.
  • Helped with development of the story line.
  • Helped with research into film clasification for our film.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

contributions to production process

so far i have contributed in planning and practical:
  • coming up with story lines
  • filming different camera angles.
  • being an actor in the film sequence.
  • editing the videos and making sure they look good and have continuity.

progress report

the process and production planning has been quite easy so far. straight away we though of a good place film which was the small forest in long. the only thing we struggled with was making a storyline that would fit well with the set and our genre. this did not take us too long and we were soon coming up with lots of storylines. we have not encountered any problems yet everything is going as we planned. after half term we are going to be concentrating on making titles and editing our work to the best we can. our main priorities is getting the words to fit on the trees. we are going to editing our video first then titles then music. this is because we need to see how long our music needs to be and where the words need to be placed.

Monday 31 October 2011

Target Audience

Who is your target audience?
Our target audience will be the parents of the children who would want to go see the film as they are the ones who will be looking at the marketing before taking their children to see the film.

Who is your target market?
Our target market will be children (Aged 6-12) and both male and female as these will be the people mostly probably wanting to go see the film and this is the age range that the film will cater for. We want this to be the age of people coming to see the film as that is who we have aimed it for.

Would the film be just for children?
The film will mainly be aimed at children but it will also have to appeal to adults who will be taking their children to see the film. We have done this by making the film idea less of a childish film and made it a little more serious for the adult viewers. There will be no adult humour in the film as this would not be appropriate for the children who the film in mainly aimed at.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Marking Criteria Self-Assessment

-Holding a shot where a appropriate
We did this in our opening sequence by focusing on the branch that the character runs in to, we used a tripod to keep it steady
-Framing a shot including or excluding elements where appropriate
We did this at the very beginning of our sequence by only filming the characters feet to not give the dentity away
-Using a variety of shot distances where appropriate
When we showed the light through the leaves we used different distances from the leaves
-Shooting material appropriate to task
Our film is easily appropriate for a U/PG film
-Selecting mise en scene
We achieved this through storyboarding and research
-Editing so meaning is apparent to viewer
We have not started editing yet
-Using varied shot transitions and other effects selectively and appropriately
We have not got to this stage yet
-Using sound with images and editing
The only sound we have is diagetic sound made when filming for example footsteps and wind
-Using titles where appropriate
We have not got to this stage yet but have planned it so the title is shown clearly and is linked to the story

Wednesday 19 October 2011

BBFC session

in one session  last week we were looking at BBFC which stands for british board of film certication, in this session we were looking at the certification for U and PG, the reason we were doing this was to know what the limits are for childrens films and what they are and are not allowed to contain. this will help me for future childrens film project because i will now know what i can put in my film which will be apprioate and what i can not put into my film. also in the session we made a spider diagram of the different subjects in certifications.
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